Link exchange no longer valid

Let’s face it. Search engines are not interested in making SEO easy. By definition, SEO is a set of ways to manipulate search results, e.g. via link exchange, so why should the?

Google has always made it clear that the best way to promote a website is by focusing on human searchers, rather than on robots and crawlers. In several algorithm changes, it specifically targeted links that serve no purpose other than SEO and content that serves no purpose other than SEO and advertising revenue.

So basically, traditional link exchange – you link to my site and I’ll link to yours – is dead. Gone. Buried. No more. You get it.

What now? How should an honest small business use the mighty Internet for some promotion, then? Without engaging in link exchange, what CAN we do?

The answer is … (drum roll) … fresh content.

Rather than having a static website, have a content management system (CMS). This is a piece of software that allows you to create and edit the content of your website through your web browser. There are many free ones out there, each with its own following, its own community and its own add-ons. Personally, I prefer WordPress.

Once you have a WordPress site, publishing new content is child play. You log in, click “Add New Post”, give it a title, type in some new and interesting information for your clients and prospects – special deals, industry changes, responses to news items and stories about happy clients – and hit “Publish”.

When set up correctly, WordPress will do the rest for you: it will notify the search engines about the new post, update your company’s Facebook page, tweet to your followers and add to the authority and search ranking of your site.

Because Google didn’t just kill link exchange and reconsider page optimization, it also started to promote fresh content and view your entire site as one optimization unit. If you consistently post on a focused set of topics, your site WILL rise, maybe even to the top.

Another important factor is Google+. By many accounts, whatever is shared on Google+ and/or given a +1 is considered favorably by Google and gets a higher search ranking.

So now, SEO is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Post fresh, relevant and interesting content that people will read and share
  2. Engage your audience on Facebook (for consumers) or LinkedIn (for businesses) and share your content
  3. Build your network on Google+ and display the +1 button prominently on your site

Of course, you may not have time for all this, but that’s OK. With the help of SEO professionals, you can find the most cost-effective and time-effective strategies and methods for your business and generate high impact content the works for your business.

Have a great day,

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